Even with regular exercise and decent dietary habits, weight loss can remain a challenge. There could be several reasons you’re not losing weight, which can quickly become frustrating if you can’t pinpoint them. If the number on the scale keeps creeping up or your weight loss stagnates despite your best efforts, the following culprits may be the cause:
7 reasons why you’re not losing weight
1. Not tracking what you’re eating.
Working from home became much more common following the pandemic. The benefits and appeal of teleworking are undeniable, but remote work lacks the routine and structure of days spent at the office. For example, people eat breakfast before or on their way to work, they may have a mid-morning snack, and then they eat a lunch they packed if they’re trying to be health conscious. When working from home, that routine goes by the wayside. Snacking more often or eating leftover takeout on a regular basis can add up to a significant calorie punch. Office workers also have calorie traps, such as office-provided breakroom snacks or going out for lunch.
2. Not eating enough protein.
A protein-deficient diet may be one of the reasons you’re not losing weight. Numerous studies have looked at the three macros to see how they affect diet. Out of carbohydrates, fat, and protein, diets high in protein almost always correlate to better weight loss. This is because protein helps individuals feel fuller for longer. It also helps individuals retain their muscle mass as they shred fat. Not only that, but it takes more energy to burn protein calories than it does other types of calories.
3. Binge eating (even healthy food).
When people first start a diet, it’s common to feel hungrier than usual. However, just because a food is considered healthy doesn’t mean it comes without calories. Many people restrict their calories too intensely throughout the day and then cave to hunger cravings in the evenings. They may assume eating only fruit is a good option, but those sugars and calories add up when eaten in excess.
4. Your calorie intake isn’t quite right.
Whether too few or too many, calorie intake can make or break weight loss success. Using online calculators to determine your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) can help you stay on track to maintain or lose weight. While most food labels tout 2000 calories as the recommended daily goal, this is assuming a lot of things about the individual reading the label. Women typically need fewer calories than men do because of their smaller stature. On the flip side, men who work out regularly will likely need much more than 2000 calories per day. Just as consuming too many calories can lead to weight gain, coming in too far under calorie goals can hurt metabolic rates and weight loss.
5. Sitting at a desk all day.
A sedentary lifestyle outside of exercise is one of the likely reasons you’re not losing weight. Whether working in an office or at home, most jobs typically tether people to their desks. Even with a vigorous hour-long workout, it can’t undo twenty-three hours of sedentary behavior. By getting up and moving around for two minutes every hour, it’s possible to keep the body in a fat-burning-friendly state. Otherwise, within a few motionless hours, the body stops producing the fat-inhibiting enzyme lipase.
6. Too much stress.
Stress is a normal part of life, but too much of it stimulates cortisol production. This triggers the flight or fight response, which also invigorates appetite. Not only that, but stress increases cravings for carbs. Compounding these issues, cortisol also slows metabolism and influences fat accumulation in the belly area. Thankfully, there are many stress-relieving activities you can do. Exercise, yoga, meditation, and eating a balanced diet can help combat the effects of stress on the body.
7. Not eating mindfully.
While it may sound silly for people to slow down and consider the color, texture, and flavor of the food they’re eating, mindlessly stuffing food into their faces while they binge watch TV shows will pack on the pounds quickly. Choosing snacks and meals with a purpose can help cut down on unhealthy eating and prevent weight gain while staying at home.
Not losing weight after Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric surgery aims to help you lose a bunch of weight to feel better. But some people have this idea that they’ll shed a ton of pounds right after the surgery, which isn’t true. You will lose weight faster than usual, but it will still happen gradually and safely, like 1-2 pounds per week. If you’re not losing weight at all, something’s up, and it could be one of these six reasons your not losing weight after bariatric surgery that we discuss in this blog.
If diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes still aren’t getting you the results you want to achieve, you may need additional help to get you there. Contact us to learn more about The Wrap and other effective weight loss procedures to guide you in your weight loss journey.
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Image URL: https://pixabay.com/photos/scale-diet-fat-health-tape-weight-403585/